Veronica Mezzetti-Draia Coach and Human Design Reader

I’m Veronica, a Coach & Human Design Guide

I believe that loving who you are, what you do and how you do it, is the ultimate level of success and I want to live in a world where that is the standard - not the exception.

Veronica Mezzetti-Draia Coach and Human Design Reader

How it all began…

Growing up as an eldest child of immigrant parents, I quickly learnt how to work for what I want, be independent and look after myself. I also learnt the personal cost of not following your dreams. I watched my parents sacrifice their own aspirations, never quite reaching their fulfilment and it was their dedication to my happiness that lit a fire within me, to be brave enough to have dreams and bold enough to actually achieve them.

I discovered coaching at the age of 18 after a bad break-up, and quickly realised that helping others fulfil their potential is what lights me up and what I was made for...finally my gift for guiding others, my talent for asking a million (deep and uncomfortable)  questions and my constant desire to be an encouraging presence in people’s lives, all made sense. 

Corporate Climber to full-time Coach

Veronica Mezzetti-Draia Coach and Human Design Reader

After taking out a loan to study Personal Performance Coaching and NLP, I began coaching on the side and loved it, but, having come from humble beginnings I constantly battled with the pressure of pursuing the successful corporate career that I thought the world (and my parents) would appreciate.

As many others, I found myself falling down the corporate rabbit hole and then swiftly up the ladder, and before I knew it I was sipping champagne on business class flights, making a lot of money and looking successful on paper…but not feeling content, nor happy. 

I was constantly burnt out and battling the shame of feeling unfilled and the guilt of feeling ungrateful. I thought back to my parents and asked myself, is this really the life that I feel honours their sacrifice? I knew in my heart the answer was No, because I wasn't happy.

It was in that moment that I realised I had to be true to myself.

Deep down I knew that for me to be truly successful (happy) I had to pursue work that I a way that I love. I dreamt of taking my coaching practice full-time and dedicating my life’s work to helping others learn to manage their mindset and achieve their dreams…and now that is exactly what I do!

My Values

These are the principles that guide me and the backbone to everything I do.

  • I take so much pride in encouraging and supporting my clients in their personal and professional growth.

    Growth to me is all about continually improving and evolving. It is the willingness to become more self-aware, develop new skills and make positive changes in our lives.

    When we are open to growth, we are more likely to be resilient and able to cope with change, making us more likely to achieve our goals and reach our full potential.

  • Connection is an essential part of the work that I do and has always guided my genuine interest in understanding others on a deep and meaningful level. I believe connection is crucial for our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

    When we feel connected to others, we feel a sense of belonging and purpose, and our relationships are likely to be more meaningful and fulfilling. Connection can also provide a sense of support and security, and can help us to cope with difficult times.

    To me, one the the most fulfilling aspects of working as a coach is to be able to provide that sense of safety and unbiased support to others and watching them strive and thrive as a result.

  • Balance to me doesn’t mean an equal distribution of our time and energy but rather a blend that works for us as individuals. This is why I help all of my clients become mindful of their priorities and make choices that support their overall well-being.

    We are complex, multi-passionate and multi-faceted beings and that means that a key part of my role as a Coach is to ensure that whichever goals my clients are striving for, I help them find the right way to achieve them within the context of their life.

  • To me Honesty means being authentic and genuine, and not pretending to be something you're not.

    I even have the phrase β€œEsse Quam Videry” tattooed on me, which translates into β€œTo be rather than to seem” - a questionable decision at the time, but a true reflection of my values nonetheless!

    It is a reminder that Honesty is not always easy, as it requires courage and vulnerability, but it is an important aspect of personal integrity and is essential for building strong, healthy relationships with others, but especially with ourselves.

  • Fairness to me means treating people equally and respectfully, considering their needs and rights and striving to be consistent and unbiased in my actions and decisions.

    Perhaps unsurprisingly I am a Libra, a zodiac sign represented by the scales of justice. Just a coincidence? Who knows, but whether it was written in the stars or not my nature is driven by a constant desire to do the right thing, making fairness an essential foundation to all of my relationships, especially those with clients.

Training & Qualifications

I believe in leading by example therefore I invest in my own growth and development so I can better support my clients too.

  • Having a Psychology degree gives me a huge advantage in the work I do as a coach. Firstly it provides me with a deep understanding of human behaviour and mental processes, which helps me when working with clients to identify their goals, motivations, and challenges.

    This understanding also allows me to more effectively motivate and encourage my clients as they work towards their desired results.

    My degree also helped me further develop skills such as empathy, active listening, and non-judgmental communication, which are crucial in building trusting and effective relationships with the individuals and groups I work with.

  • As a personal performance coach I help individuals identify and achieve their personal and professional goals.

    This involves identifying areas of growth and development, and creating strategies and action plans to achieve those goals.

    Personal performance coaching can be useful for people who are looking to improve their productivity, communication skills, leadership abilities, or any other area of personal or professional development.

    It can be particularly helpful for people who are feeling stuck in their current roles or who are looking to make a significant change in their lives.

  • Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a psychological approach that focuses on how language and behavior can be used to achieve specific outcomes or goals.

    I often use my knowledge of NLP when coaching to help clients change negative thought patterns, behaviors, and habits that may be holding them back.

    Techniques such as reframing, anchoring, and modeling can help clients develop new perspectives and ways of thinking that can lead to improved performance and success.

    NLP is particularly effective when helping clients overcome limiting beliefs and behaviours, and for helping them develop greater self-awareness and confidence.

  • Human design is a system that uses a combination of astrology, the I Ching, and the chakras to provide a unique map of an individual's personality and potential.

    It is often used as a tool for self-discovery and personal development, and can be helpful for individuals who are looking to achieve their goals and live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

    Through the use of human design, I am able to help individuals gain a deeper understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and natural inclinations, and use that knowledge to make informed decisions about their careers, relationships, and personal growth.

    My knowledge of Human Design allows me to help individuals learn how to leverage their unique design to achieve their goals and create the life they desire. This approach can be particularly useful for individuals who are struggling to find their purpose or direction in life, or who are seeking to make significant changes and improvements in the way that they are pursuing their ambitions.

Veronica Mezzetti-Draia Coach and Human Design Reader

When I’m not working

I adore what I do so when I’m not working with my clients, you’ll likely find me creating vision boards, making plans for the future, setting goals and working on my business. There are very few things I prefer doing… aside from eating carbs and drinking coffee (I am Italian after all!) and spending time with my Hubby and 2 dogs Jasper & Monty in muddy fields & forest walks.